
2013 SAR Conferences

Category: Announcements
Published on Monday, 02 September 2013 02:47
Hits: 9022

Last fall I was at two Search and Rescue conferences to talk about the Mission Manager software and how it gets used for SAR.

Northwest SARCON - Friday October 4th at 15:30 and Saturday at 15:30 in Boring, Oregon.  Another great success.  Thanks to everyone who came to listen and share.  Also thanks to the organizers.  Northwest SARCON is one of my favorite conferences so far. 

SAREX - Sarex was a success this past Saturday September 6th at 13:00 and Sunday at 09:00 in West Waddell State Wilderness, near Santa Cruz, California.  I'll get some answers to a few of the questions that came up posted soon.  In the meantime, have a look at the new Mission Manager page under the equally new Software Category.